Family and Street Children
Support Project

For years, Smile and Help has been helping the most vulnerable kids in Tanzania

Millions of kids have been taken away from their families and left to live on the street or in dangerous homes or institutions.

We want to make sure these kids are taken care of and that their best interests are always taken into account.

An estimated 2 million children between the ages of 7 and 13 years in Tanzania are out-of-school. Almost 70 per cent of children aged 14–17 years are not enrolled in secondary education. (Unicef, 2018)

Girls, the poorest children, children with disabilities and children living in underserved communities are most vulnerable to dropping out of school or never going to school. (Unicef, 2018)

Family support project

Several families have been sponsored and given the tools they need to build a better future. Each family is assessed individually and provided with the most essential needs such as food, shelter and medical attention.

The children are supported in school through government education, private education or daycare.

By supporting the children in education, we believe that they will be able to break the poverty cycle of their family unit later in life. When feasible, smile and help offers small business start up opportunities for single mothers to start their own businesses.

We are still working on the next step in this project, and we are still working on what that step will look like. Donating to this portion of our work means supporting the future generations of Tanzania.

Street children support project

Helping children escape the hustle and bustle of Arusha’s streets is a difficult task, as they are frequently hindered by addiction, an abusive past, and a restrictive lifestyle.

However, the effort has not been wasted, as we have seen numerous boys reach educational milestones, overcome addiction, obtain higher education certifications, and launch small businesses.

By donating to this project, you are supporting our commitment to ensuring that every child is valued.

Sponsor A Project

Please specify how you would like to be contacted
Type of Donation
Payment Duration
Payment amount for the child 25 Euro/month = 300 Euro per year and of course you can pay more than the indicated amount to reach more children. We prefer the annual payment method to save administration costs and bank fees. Of course you can also choose other payment methods

Our bank connection:

Smile and Help e.V.
Non-profit registered association
Aid Organisation for Children in Need in Africa
Gehrengrabenstraße 31
D-77886 Lauf

With Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau
IBAN: DE 10 6645 0050 0004 9790 87